When the “Magic” fails the client 🙁

Solve smarter, not harder!

Hello, it’s Steven.  

Our customers' problems are like an onion, each layer revealing a deeper challenge as we peel it back.

And NOT all of these layers are worth peeling.

Tackling every single problem your customer tosses at you means you’re trying to catch every raindrop in a storm. 


And, frankly, a weird way to spend your time.

Instead, why not be the savvy problem-solvers I know you are?

Look deeper. 

Every problem has a “grandma problem” hiding behind it, and that’s the one you want to invite to tea.

For instance, if a customer is fussing over slow website speed, don’t just switch to a faster host and call it a day. 

Ask why. 

Maybe their real issue is that the site doesn’t convert visitors into sales well enough, and they think speed is the culprit. 


Now you're not just solving a problem; you're solving the right problem.

So, next time you’re faced with a customer's 101 worries, channel your inner Sherlock Holmes. 

Look for the big baddie of problems—the Moriarty of issues, if you will—that, once conquered, makes all the smaller problems either vanish into thin air or become much easier to handle.

Let’s make problem-solving less like a wild goose chase and more like a targeted dart game.

Hit the bullseye, and watch your efforts truly transform customer experiences.

Rooting for you, 