Hit Your Business Goals Like A Pro Pitcher

Remember the first time you watched a kid try to pitch a baseball?

My son was all over the place at first. 

He looked everywhere but the target. 

I told him, “Eyes on the prize, boyz.”


Suddenly, he was hitting strike after strike.

It’s like that in business, too.

Lose focus, and your efforts go wild.

But keep your eye on the ball?

That’s when you start nailing your goals.

Pin down the biggest headache for your dream customer.

What’s keeping them up at night?

Now throw everything you've got into solving that one big pain.

Make this your game plan and stick to it no matter what.  

This isn’t just about hitting the target—it’s about making a real impact.

Opportunities will come and go, and it’s tempting to run after each one.

But that's like trying to pitch to every batter at once.

Stick to your game plan.

This focus keeps you effective, not just busy.

Rooting for you,