Flatline Engagement?

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Hi it’s Steven, 

AI is great…until it’s NOT. 

Thanks to ChatGPT, content creators are flooding YT, IG and TT with generic, surface-level information like a leaky fire hydrant gushing out water.

These “common information” tend to be basic knowledge that is widely known and easily replicable. 

They do not offer unique insights or deep solutions. 

This type of content only attracts symptom chasers that seek quick fixes and immediate relief without looking at the root causes of their issues. 

Symptom chasers tend to avoid owning their problems. They seek quick fixes or immediate relief without addressing the root causes of their issues.

Real experts with real skills and experience should focus on sharing their “uncommon wisdom” to attract solution seekers. 

Uncommon wisdom can only come from specialized knowledge gained from years of practice and learning within a specific niche.

And CANNOT be replicated by AI or other automatic systems.  

Uncommon wisdom offers unique insights and strategies tailored to sole specific, complex problems in innovative ways. 

Start sharing your uncommon wisdom, and you'll see your followers not just increasing, but engaging more deeply because they find real value in your unique perspective.

Rooting for you, 